Go-Bad but Go-Good?


wow, spent a lot of time in the ocean today. surfed morning, then went back out in the evening till dark. another perfect day in hawaii.
picked up Yumi-san for day 2 of boot camp. today, she was ready! from the start to finish, perfect surfing.
half way through our session, the gopro just broke! omg, the case broke and it got flooded with water. i was so bummed because i knew i had good photos from the morning. oh well.
came home and took it apart. totally dead! kind of bummed because this camera is worth $400. ouch. i just don’t understand how such an expensive camera can break so easily.
i dug out the SD care and dried it out. stuck it in my computer later and was hoping for the best.
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magic! the SD card was still ok! so happy to have these priceless photos! Yumi-san padding out for the perfect morning session.
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i taught Yumi-san how to turn right today and on her first wave, she turned perfectly! i was super happy but she was even happier!
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and yes, what an awesome long ride and amazing view.
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towards the end of our session, Yumi-san was riding some pretty big waves. she is so stoked on surfing. thank you Yumi-san for the awesome sessions. and thank you to Kaori-chan for introducing Yumi-san to me. you’re a great teacher!
photos from this evenings golden sunset session coming soon. good night for now because i have a very long day tomorrow. going to the wild west!
