Ocean Sports: Surf and SUP


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had a great time SUP’ing the other evening. from short boarding to SUP, i feel like a giant!
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and now it’s my time to drop in on all the long boarders that take too many waves when i’m short boarding. i don’t even look behind because they don’t either. haha.
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unbelievable how good the waves have been. and unbelievable how much fun i’ve been having.
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everyday the waves have been great! people have been complaining about the strong winds, but as long as they are offshore, it’s all good!
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i took a girl out SUP’ing for her first time. i know how hard it is to actually catch a wave so i bet her $10 that she wouldn’t be able to ride one. she took the challenge and never gave up.
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and after a couple of trying so hard, she actually caught a wave and rode it. OMG, i was so proud of her. and yes, i paid the $10 because a promise is a promise.
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still stoked on our session on the west side yesterday with Oshiro-san. one of my friends asked me where it was and my answer was “never mind.” haha.
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and to think we came back to ala moana just in time of the rising swell and off shore winds. it couldn’t have been timed any better.
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good to see the young surfer girls sharing the perfect waves.
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what a beautiful cross step. i’m still practicing but never can be this graceful.
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yes, the waves were absolutely perfect! and if you don’t believe me, just look good at this perfect left point wave. there were so many coming in all afternoon.
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great job Oshiro-san. good to see you surfing so well! and good to see you ride about 30 waves yesterday.
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toes on the nose. i’m still learning to walk the board. someday i’ll be just like Kelia Moniz. haha.
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another day, another spot, and another smile. we love surfing!
