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wow! the waves totally perfect again today! so stoked to spend so much time in the ocean surfing and surfing. perfect right point rides.
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surfed in the morning with Taniguchi-san. been surfing for 3 years and his first ever time in hawaii. he couldn’t believe how warm the water and weather was. i told him “hey, today is one of the cold days.”
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many waves and many smiles.
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awesome view.
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the underwater world.
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good to see my friends paddle out later. Raiki-kun, Tatsuya, Nishi, and Saito-san. all cool japanese surfer dudes.
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the waves are usually flat or very small in march. but not march 2016.
then went to eat some roast pork.
so juicy and tender. roast pork, mabo tofu, rice, and noodles. all for $9.50.
thank you Taniguchi-san for the awesome morning!
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then went to pick up Asayama-san after he finished yoga. went for a surf in the blue sky and clear ocean. warm weather and warmer smiles. you’re not going to believe how good he surfed today! wait till tomorrow.
yes, hawaii has some of the worst traffic in the nation. but i still don’t think it’s too bad at all compared to other parts of the world.
so the government raised our taxes and borrowed money to build a rail system. seeing it with my own eyes was depressing. i truly thing it’s a waste of taxpayers money.
it’s already way over budget, and already way running late. running late just like how the rail will be once it’s working. and if you don’t believe me, just ask the people waiting for the buses that never come on time. haha. remember, it’s hawaiian style!
