a couple of weeks ago, my friend cut her chin on her surfboard. it was a small cut but deep so i took her to the hospital. i was thinking 1 stitch but the doctor took out a glue gun instead of a needle and glued the cut shut. it took 10 minutes and cost $600. what???? i could have done that myself! a few days later, another friend gave me a box.

it was a box of Dermabond. 3 glue sticks so i’m ready to glue anybody’s cut together. no, i’m not a doctor, but i’ll save you lots of money for sure. i only charge $1000. haha. anyway, this is the same exact glue that Doctors On Call used on my friend.

luckily i didn’t have to pay for it but i heard it cost $100/each. i have 3 so i can fix 3 people up and maybe use the rest to fix a ding in my surfboard. on my normal surf boat trips to indonesia, i usually take a stick of 99 cents one minute crazy glue, now, i got the real thing. call me doctor kirby, or call me crazy. if you get cut and see me around, just ask because i have one in my car right now.
