Father and Son Surfing Day in Hawaii


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yesterday afternoon was so fun! got to take a 6 year old kid named “Shuta-kun” surfing for his first time. as we were paddling out, he was kind of nervous. but, i started singing the “ABC’s Song” with him and he loosened up a little. such a cutie. imagine the two of us singing “A,B,C,D,E…” on the way out. haha.
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then i tell him “paddle!” he starts paddling his hardest and as we caught the wave, check out his expression. this is pure stoke!!!
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i yell “stand up!” Shuta-kun stands up and surfs the wave perfectly!!!
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we rode it for so long and he was so stoked!!!
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one thing about kids i love is their pureness. you can’t fake a smile like this in the ocean. it comes out naturally.
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then Shuta-kun just being a kid and sticking out his tongue at the camera. haha. i still do this at my age so it’s ok. haha.
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Shuta-kun’s father surfed for the first time too! a very athletic and energetic man. i was surprised on his paddling power and his ability to catch and stand up on his very first wave of his life. it was absolutely perfect!
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Kuruhara-san caught another one, another one, and more, and more. so much energy and so much stoke.
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surfing brings out the pureness in adults too. i usually take photos when nobody knows. so this smile is simply describing the way Kuruhara-san feels at this very moment.
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thank you boys for the wonderful surf session! 5 minutes before i picked you guys up, it was raining and raining. then 5 minutes after i dropped you guys off, it started raining and raining again. we were so lucky to surf with Mr. Sun!!! hope to surf with you guys again! aloha.
