Japan in Crisis: News Headlines Part 1


Tokyo starts radiation checks at 100 locations:
the tokyo metropolitan government is starting a weeklong program to measure radiation levels in the air at 100 different locations in tokyo. what do i think? weeklong? are you kidding? it should be indefinite or at least until the nuclear plant is contained. and if one of these locations detects high level of radiation, get ready for panic! my dosimeter was picking up low levels of radiation when i was in tokyo last month and with typhoon season coming soon, it doesn’t take a genius to know what’s going to happen. 150 mph typhoon winds with heavy rain blowing and dropping that radiation crap everywhere. i’m not trying to scare you, i’m just telling you what i think. when the tradewinds are blowing strong near my house, i can smell the smoke from a barbecue a mile away. if it’s windy and raining, stay indoors.
Radioactive sludge crisis:
TEPCO has a problem. they don’t know where to dump the radioactive sludge that’s enough to fill an olympic swimming pool. what do i think? fill up each persons bathtub (fudo) who was in favor of the nuclear plant. and dump the rest of the radioactive sludge into the back yards of the TEPCO officials that quit their jobs in this time of crisis. just keep it out of our beautiful ocean!!!! you ruined it enough already.
Japan city to give radiation counters to children:
fukushima city says it will give radiation dosimeters to 34,000 kids who live near the power plant. what do i think? little too late for that but i guess later is better than nothing. what the government should do is set up radiation dosimeters check points every 5 kilometers throughout japan. then have the readings posted online 24 hours/day and also on a dedicated tv station. along with having an independent radiation expert monitor it 24/7. and in the meantime, keep the little kids indoors.
more news coming tomorrow. yeah, there is much more.
