Japan in Crisis: News Headlines Part 2


Green tea made by 5 Shizuoka plants found contaminated with radiation:
the shizuoka government asked 5 tea manufacturing plants to stop shipping green tea because they found radioactive cesium in excess of the legal limit. what do i think? well, isn’t shizuoka over 400 kilometers away from fukushima? isn’t shizuoka past chiba, tokyo, and shonan? i think the government should step up testing foods in other prefectures too because eating radioactive foods can’t be good for the health. us older people are ok. i’m just worried about the kids.

Japan’s richest man challenges nuclear future with nationwide solar plans:
Billionare Masayoshi Son is planning to build solar farms to generate electricity. he’s already got the support from at least 33 of japan’s 47 prefectures. what do i think? i love solar. and i love when somebody has the balls and money to take on japan’s electric monopoly, TEPCO. masayoshi son own’s softbank and right after march 11th, i heard he donated $1,000,000 to the disaster victims. i also heard that he didn’t charge victims in tohoku their phone fees. and in april, mr. son pledged to donate 10 billion yen and his salary until retirement to help support disaster victims. i’m dam proud to be a softbank user. when company ceo’s step up like this, i’ll support them all the way. and the most i can do is to use my softbank phone more and more.
