A Traumatizing Experience for the Kids….


oh my gosh!!! what a day. i could write a book on what happened today. but i don’t have time so i will try to keep it short.

went to the mountains to look for mango’s and pigs. found both…. shun hasn’t eaten a mango in hawaii before so today’s his lucky day..

seth asked me on the way “do you think we can see pigs today?” i said probably. when ever we go hunting, their hard to find. and i think the pigs know that. today wasn’t a hunting day so i had a feeling they would come out. and out they came… gosh, i could have speared them with my speargun…
**now here’s the story. we were all walking in the stream when we looked up and seen a baby pig walking along the cliff. his back foot slipped and he fought for his life trying to regain his footing. he tried hard to climb back up but ended up falling 25′ onto rocks. we were all screaming because it happened right in front of us. seth and everybody ran down to check on the pig and he wasn’t moving. i thought he was dead for sure…

my friend duke grabbed him and tried to revive it. everybody was petting it but the pig looked dead…. it was breathing but unresponsive… we were all in shock!!! you could just see it in the kids faces… i didn’t know what to do so i asked shun and seth. they said, “let’s carry it down the mountain and take it to the hospital”. gosh, these kids were traumatized. so was i….

the 2 boys took turns carrying it down the mountain which seemed forever. the pig didn’t look too good at all. we put it in a toy box, jumped in my car, and drove 80mph to the hospital…. the drive there seemed like 3 hours because it was silent. nobody was talking and the kids faces looked so sad. gosh, it was sad…

we finally got to the hospital and i made the boys take the pig in. being an adult, they probably would have turned me away. but how can you turn 2 boys away trying to save a little piggy. the doctor took the pig in and immediately gave full attention. he said he will keep the pig over the weekend and call me to let me know how he’s doing. what hurts more is that shun and i are going back to japan tomorrow… what should we do?????? ahhhhh…..
**seth told me after “uncle, what if we weren’t there? the pig would have probably died right there yeah? everything happens for a reason yeah?” gosh, i wanted to give that kid a big hug…. good parenting… 10 years old with that kind of mentality is unheard of. i just learned that a few years ago…. anyway, i hope the pig makes it….

go back to the photo of shun holding the mango at the start of our hike. look at his face then, and look at his face now. poor kid. for a kid that young to experience this is pretty heavy. i’ve seen heavy things happen before but what i seen today was pretty heavy. i left it up to the boys and shun and seth made the right decision to take the pig to the hospital. there’s no way they could have left that pig here to die. if this pig makes it, he owes his life to these 2 boys…
