Turtle Meat BBQ?


i love turtles. that said, i’d like to get into a topic that will probably split the worlds opinion in two. i heard that hawaii is thinking about taking green sea turtles off the endangered species list. if they do that, it’s open season for turtles and you’ll probably see turtle meat in a lot of restaurants around hawaii.
want my opinion? no? too bad. here it is: when i was a kid, we use to eat turtles. when i was in high school, we use to bbq turtles. when i travel around the world, i still eat turtle. in fact, i just ate turtle in palau this past march. so i pretty much grew up eating turtles. how does it taste? like a mix between chicken and fish, but really tender.
i have to admit, there were very few turtles in hawaii 30 years ago. now, there are too many. since the state of hawaii made it illegal to hunt turtles, the turtle population got out of control. every year, i can see more and more turtles, almost too many. it can’t be good for the eco system.
so if hawaii allows hunting turtles, what would i do? that’s a tough one. from eating them, to loving them, to swimming with them. i don’t think i could kill one. but if somebody gave me a few fillets for my bbq, i’ll eat it for sure.
once the government takes the turtles off the endangered species list, i’ll let you know. but i won’t let you know where all the turtles are.
have a nice day!
