Kids Saving Lucky Pig…


good morning on what ever day this is or what ever time it is. give me one more day and i’ll be over this jet lag. since i got here a few days ago, i’ve been eating like a pig. good food every meal. even my lunches from 7/11 are good. i finally got through to my emails so i’m pretty much caught up on everything. now i can go to the park, lay down under a tree, and relax. 10 minutes later, i’ll be all sweaty and will have to move on. haha… going to jump in my little car, drive around shonan, and visit my friends. then go back to the park and lay down under the tree again. have a nice day….

hey guys, want to watch kelly slater win another contest? CLICK HERE…
**got some clips i put together of the kids saving the little lucky piggy. check it out…
