Paradise Shock!


imagine sitting at the airport getting ready for a trip to paradise. you drive 3 hours to the airport, you check in, you get your ticket, you board the airplane, starting to get excited, your on the runway, 1 hour passed, then 2 hours pass, then all of a sudden “excuse me passengers, we are experiencing problems with this aircraft. this flight is cancelled, now get off the plane!
that’s what happened to toda-san, takami-san, and naoka. they were supposed to be in hawaii today surfing the perfect head high waves with me, instead, their at narita trying to get another flight.
i know how shocking it must be. that’s part of traveling and the way i look at it is: everything happens for a reason. what if that airplane broke in the air? abunai!
anyway, hope to see the 3 in hawaii tomorrow. cross your fingers.
as for the surf? BIG WEDNESDAY! that’s tomorrow. stay tuned!
as for the trees at bowls? i’m still SHOCKED!
as for japan, i’m still thinking about you all. NEVER FORGET!
as for mission 4, JULY 22 START. WE ARE ONE!
