Frequently Asked Questions:


i’ve been asked these questions many times recently:
Q: how is japan?
A: some places good, some places still the same.
Q: how is the radiation?
A: i don’t know, and nobody knows. everyday is different. if you want information, you have to find out yourself.
Q: are people surfing?
A: yes, i heard people are surfing in ibaraki, which is the next prefecture to fukushima. i also heard that there are holding a JPSA pro surfing contest in ibaraki in the next few weeks. really? i also know that people in shonan and chiba are surfing like usual.
Q: is it safe?
A: like i said “i don’t know”
Q: when are you going back?
A: july 18th.
Q: what’s the next mission?
A: for the children.
Q: are you scared of radiation?
A: no.
Q: is your hair falling off? or you skin feeling weird?
A: no, i feel great!
well, i hope that answers your questions for now.
if you have more, don’t hesitate.

mission 4, we are camping every night. i hope it’s not freezing cold again.
