8'4 Eric Arakawa Clark Foam Gun….


good morning, 6:15am here in hawaii. waves all over the island. town is still chest/shoulder high but should be coming up throughout the day. expect solid 4′ by tomorrow. yeah!!! 10 guys out at the park, 5 guys out at rockpiles, and 20 guys already out at bowls. soon, it’s going to be 21 guys. i’m out of here. have a nice day… oh, the WCT Boost Mobile Pro is on now!! CLICK HERE FOR LIVE COVERAGE…..

check out this clark foam triple stringer gun eric arakawa shaped for craig sako. one of the last one’s you will ever see. eric arakawa is an awesome shaper. through out the years, he’s made me some really good boards. in fact, i still have some in my quiver. eric’s not only one of the worlds top shaper, he’s also one of the nicest guy you will ever meet. skill, patience, understanding, and kindness. what more can you ask for? eric’s the man…. thanks craig for sending me this photo. and what’s up eric….
**i was just checking out yuko’s blog. she’s in malibu right now and when i seen that photo, it brought back some memories. it was in may 2 years ago when i came back from puerto escondido on a stopover in LA. i ended up driving up to santa barbara to check out some dive shops. on the way back, i drove down pacific coast highway and passed by this unreal looking right. it was head high, perfect, uncrowded, and super long. i didn’t know where it was until i seen the sign “malibu”. gosh, the waves looked so good. i thought to myself that this is the famous spot called “malibu” so i got excited and jumped out of the car to grab my board and wetsuit. but, i forgot i left it at my hotel in LA. i haven’t felt so much as a loser before. i still can’t believe it. i haven’t told too many people about this…. haha…. anyway, check out yuko’s blog by CLICKING HERE…..

i took this photo at the santa barbara harbor. gosh, that place is so beautiful. and that’s also the place where tom curren came from. i went there looking for him. haha….
