when you get a new baby, you play with him or her everyday right? my new baby needs attention too so i’ve been making time to play with her too. not everyday, but if i have a 3 hour break, i’m taking her out. yesterday i had the morning open so i hooked her up, drove down my hill, put her in the water, and rode her like a horse. or should i say 50 horses. no gas smell anymore, no paying for 2 stroke oil anymore, and no expensive gas bills anymore. i love my new baby!
on my first drop, went down 35′, laid on the bottom for 1 minute, seen a whole fish supermarket in front of me, picked out the best, and came up with one of these prize moana kali’s. very expensive fish, and the best of the best. if your a diver in hawaii, you know that these are big moana kali’s. score! ended up catching a mix bag of fish. sashimi, steamed, or nitsuke. it’s going to be a good week. or should i say, healthy week.
i haven’t felt so good about a purchase ever since i bought my old boat 15 years ago. i’m taking care of this baby!