Sunburned MahiMahi….


good evening. surfed a secret river mouth this morning. chest high and perfect!! felt so good to do an off the lip and get barreled. my mind is finally cleared. thank goodness because i was getting a little stressed out being out of the water for so long. peace[:?????$B!x(B???:][:?????$B!x(B???:] have a great evening….

when i was in chiba on the way to the event at taito, hayato and his friend nori-san pulled up with this mahimahi. nori-san caught it earlier that day and all i have to say is “oishi.” thanks nori-san for busting out the mahimahi sashimi….

this is what happens when you forget your sunscreen and go fishing all day in the raging sun in japan….

don’t forget your sunscreen or you won’t be sleeping on your back for a while… thanks jasmin for sending me these photos of the sunburned boys in chiba….
**spent an hour going down my phone list telling everybody my new cell phone email address. got through 10 out of 280 and figured out something. i ain’t got the time. there is an easier way. so to all my friends, here is my email address while i’m in japan.
**and last, for all you people asking about kat mcdowell. yeah, she can sing. that’s for sure. check out more of her songs on CATMCDOWELLMYSPACE…
