Survivor: Hawaiian Spearfishing Trip



i asked my 3 nephews to go on a spearfishing trip with me. Isaiah’s knee is injured, Joshua and Seth are in the billabong pipe masters. so instead of them coming, 3 of their friends came along. kids i knew since they were kids so they’re like my nephews too. as we left oahu, we headed into huge storms! storms that lasted the whole trip.

it was pitch dark as we were flying to our destination. i like the feeling of speeding in the dark, but my worst nightmare is hitting a whale. kind of scary even thinking about it. i told the boys to hold on tight!

we drove 80 miles taking 5 hours. when we got there, we all knew it was going to be amazing! we arrived at a place where nobody lives, nobody comes, and nobody breathes. it was Man vs. Wild.

even though we were excited to dive, we were also excited about the scenery.

Cole, Kylen, and Gen were kids i’ve known for a while. i use to take them diving when they were diving in tide pools spearing nemo size fish. haha. so good to see them grown up into amazing surfers and divers.

i told the boys, “we are not here to break world records. we are not here to rape the ocean. we are here to catch dinner so be very selective. what you kill is what you will eat.” look how stoke the boys were on our very first dive!

Kylen with the huge moana kali. omg, this one for the steamer!

Cole’s first ever GT! after he speared it, i could hear him screaming so loud through his snorkel. this is a spear fishermen’s dream!

i was teaching Gen how to filet a fish. practice makes perfect.

after a long day of rain, it was even a longer night of rain. luckily the rain stopped for an hour as we were enjoying our fresh dinner. it was these kids first boat trip so i was stoked to be a part of it. you would laugh if you heard what happened after this. it was survivor island.

there is a certain type of fish nobody likes to spear. i spear it all the time because it’s my favorite. you wouldn’t believe it when you sprinkle some salt, pepper, and fry it. tastes like mahimahi.

want to thank Mia for making me the most delicious musubi’s for my trip!

anyway, have lots of photos and lots of stories to come. nice photo Gen. i just got home, going to clean fish, steam a couple, and enjoy another beautiful dinner.
