Dive Responsibly



Cole talking about his first Ulua. “omg, the thing just swam up to me!” lucky boy!

Kylen’s target fish was the big Moana Kali. it’s his favorite and it’s on his dinner table this week.

the last time i went diving with Gen, he didn’t catch anything. in fact, the i never seen Gen catch anything ever since he started diving. haha. but now, Gen’s producing. i was so proud of him. and also so happy to see his big smile. it feels so amazing to catch yourself some dinner.

i told the boys, “shoot every Roy you see.” these fish are invasive species and need to be depleted before they deplete other native hawaiian fish species. that was my main focus on this trip.

i’ve never seen such a colorful cooler before. and i’ve never seen such huge Moana Kali’s before. thank goodness i just added another secret spot to my list of favorite dives.

and i’ve never seen so many mempachi in my life before. these delicious fish were everywhere! the boys started fishing at night and hooked a few. they could have caught hundreds, but once again, that wasn’t what this trip was about. it was all about learning how to dive responsibly.

on the long way back to Oahu, i stopped in the middle of the ocean and said “ok boys, jump in!” Gen was yawning and said “what?” haha.

woke up the guys in the back and said, “get ready for some deep purple diving.” purple is deeper than blue.

i was driving the boat nearby for safety measures because many people go missing in this part of the ocean. some get found, while others are still missing till this day. you don’t mess around out here.

the drive back to reality. gosh, what happened to Oahu? i always ask myself that on the way back from the outer islands.
