Kagoshima Honeymooners


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had a great time with Yamaguchi-san and Kotomi-san yesterday afternoon. two young newlyweds enjoying their first trip to hawaii, and also enjoying their first time in the hawaiian ocean.
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it was Kotomi-san’s first time surfing so i told her what i tell everyone. LOOK FORWARD!
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and she stood up on her very first wave of her life! omg, so stoked!
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another happy newborn surfer girl!
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Yamaguchi-san is a short boarder but because the waves were small, i let him try my longboard. and once he got use to it, he caught some amazing long waves!
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super cool surfer from Kagoshima.
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another awesome ride!
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thank you Yamaguchi-san and Kotomi-san for the wonderful afternoon. i’m surprised how energetic you both are! we surfed for so long!!! haha.

imagine coming to hawaii for the first time and trying to order at a local plate lunch window. it makes me remember the first time i did this in japan. it was such a freaky experience! haha. good job guys. hope you enjoyed your locomoco!
