What’s going ON?
1.heard that japan’s been really hot recently. 6,880 people suffered heatstrokes in japan in the month of june. all reportedly taken to the hospital by ambulance. hundreds of people die each year because of the heat in japan. july, and august is hotter so please stay cool, drink lots of water, and stay out of the sun.
2. in the next 30 years, there is a 70% chance of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in tokyo, according to japan’s earthquake research agency. that means i’ll probably still be alive to see this one. be prepared. the last earthquake i experienced in sendai still gives me nightmares. it was freaky!
3. i just downloaded viber to my iphone. it’s the latest software that allows you to call and send text messages around the world for free. i’ve been using it and can’t believe i didn’t get it earlier. bye bye Skype, hello Viber! sign up so we can talk and text for free!