i was in waikiki eating dinner when i got a call from KITV. they wanted to interview me about what i thought about the news coming out of japan recently. what news? about how only 25% of the millions of dollars donated to the Red Cross reached japan. i have mixed feelings about that one. first, as i said before, i don’t believe in “charity” corporations where the CEO makes over $600,000/year. i don’t believe it is fair for people to donate hard earned money and find out that it didn’t get to where they thought it was going. i’m sure that a lot of people here in hawaii are shocked that only 25% of donations to the Red Cross got to the victims, 4 months later? i didn’t say this in the interview, but i’m starting to get really frustrated on how screwed the system is. the volunteers are leaving, the help is fading out, and there is almost no news about japan around the world. the radiation is still a problem, there are less jobs, and people are still suffering. some places are rebuilding fast, and some places don’t even know where to start. i’m still trying to stay positive on this whole thing. luckily i know some really strong and positive people in tohoku that’s keeping me from crashing into a wall.
my advise for the Red Cross? take money out of your huge bank account, follow us, and we’ll point you on where to use your money. if we had the resources like you, all the cities we visited would be 100x better by now. i don’t understand why families are still in shelters 4 months later when there is $2 billions dollars sitting in the bank account collecting interest. i better sign off. sorry, i just needed to vent because i couldn’t do it on the news.
