Japanese Sushi Artist


yes, it’s cherry blossom time in Japan! cold beer, hot sake, and delicious sushi for the celebration.

in Japan, sushi is like art. there is a reason for every little thing that goes into every dish.

each piece of this assortment of sashimi will melt in you mouth.

this is the regular tuna. still 10x better then the best tuna in Hawaii.

this is the fatty tuna. words can’t describe how good it tastes when it goes in your mouth.

and the uni too. creamy till the last drop. omg, i can eat this all night long.

and the clam too. crunchy till the last bite.

like i said, sushi in Japan is like art. so much culture and soul goes into each dish. all you can do is sit back and watch the show. and now when people ask me where i eat sushi in Hawaii, they know why i say “nowhere.” i’ll wait for the special moments like this. it makes it that much better!

sushi, sake, and friends. what more in this world could you ask for?
