Where’s the Cherry?


it’s crazy how cold Japan is right now. i wasn’t surprised when Toda-san sent me this photo of Mt. Fuji snowing. i’ve been coming here at this time for the past 25 years and it’s never been this cold.

i was even cold in the airport. Tokyo was 7C and raining.

jumped on a plane to the beautiful island of Shikoku.

it started looking a lot warmer outside. but when i landed, it was still freezing cold.

the drive is amazing. 25 years in a row i seen the cherry blossoms, but not this year. it’s too cold for it to blossom.

want to thank Yassan for taking care of me. it’s a long 2.5 hours one way to the airport so that means Yassan drove for 5 hours today just to pick me up. i really appreciate it.

stopped by to grab a snack. eating tomatoes in Japan is like eating strawberries in Hawaii. it’s just as sweet.

arrived to one of the biggest surfboard factories in Japan, Ono Glass Works. this is where my surfboards are born.

i always take my time walking around looking at all the artwork. the best quality in the industry.

who ever ordered this board is going to be super stoked. i love this tail!

so happy coming here to see the new addition to the TSSC family. welcome to this world Hiyori-chan! i hope a magic board will change your life too!
