Build the Wall


so happy to have finally met Saori-san’s surfer friends she’s always been talking about. Takamatsu-san and Matsumasa-san are also surfers who drive trains. stoked to see you boys in Shikoku! next time hope to see you guys in Hawaii! keep on surfing!

this kid is going to be the next sensation. at 9 years old, Kaisei-kun has a dream to becoming world champion. big dreamers usually are the most successful in life. i can’t wait to see him on top of the world!

omg, i got up yesterday morning and ate 2 of these breakfasts. i love samma, even when the bone gets stuck in my throat. it was in there all day long and finally went down in the afternoon with some mochi. haha.

i could write a book on the success of the We Are One women in Kitakami. so inspiring, so professional, and so motivated. i’ll explain to you later what’s going on, but for now, the most important thing i realized on this trip was “Naomi-san could be the next Japan Prime Minister if she wanted too.” that’s how powerful she is. never stops amazing me.

Izumi-san is the coolest Tohoku surfer you will ever meet. always smiling and always so calm. then Saito-san and his generosity is amazing. it’s crazy how i met the coolest friends from what was such a tragedy.

want to thank Suzuki-san for sharing with us his delicious Natu-Lino gelato. it was so amazing!

we took a drive through Onagawa. i was totally blown away from the progress. there are major things going on and this town will definitely be a standout town in Tohoku.

want to thank Masae-san for the gift from Onagawa.

i love oysters! i can’t wait to go back to Hawaii and eat this with a cold beer.

stopped by Kobochihama as life goes on. so stoked to see major improvements in buildings, roads, and life.

wakame season is in full swing now. this will be sent all over the world! and also a few bags going back with me to Hawaii!

always good to see Kimura-san. he was my inspiration from the first time i met him, and still is.

omg, this is my favorite! can’t wait to put this in my miso soup!

after driving around yesterday passing town after town that was totally devastated from the tsunami, i was so happy to see things finally moving forward at a fast pace. huge walls going up along the coast to protect the towns from future tsunamis, new housing everywhere, big factories in operation, and many people looking so much happier. life goes on in Tohoku and so does the spirit. 6 years ago, it was my dream to see what i witnessed yesterday. and that dream came a lot faster than i thought.
