Motsu Nabe and Cow Tongue


gosh, Matsu takes incredible photos. makes you want to jump into this onsen. i actually did and burnt my feet in the first 3 seconds. so i showered instead.

isn’t Japan totally amazing! i’m guarantee going back into that mountain onsen resort. spend a couple of days enjoying the deepest part of Japan.

we went to go visit a man i met on my very first mission. Abe-san has been through a lot in this past 6 years so i always stop by to give him some aloha, which is a big hug. as we passed by the temporary housing where he lived for the past 5 years, it was closed! we were happy that he probably moved on to a better place. and we were sad that we might not ever see him again.

but when there’s a will, there’s a way. we tracked him down and found him! had the most awesome conversation and was so happy that he finally moved into a permanent brand new house.

spent last night in Sendai. so beautiful!

stopped by this cool temple on the way to the restaurant.

and had the most amazing motsu nabe with Kiku-chan. Kiku-chan has been an inspiration to all of us these past 6 years. such a bright and positive surfer girl.

and when you’re with a local girl, you know where the best places to go eat.

then we all snuck into this beautiful pool and had a swim. just joking. haha.

i’m not joking about our bar adventure. omg, so many laughs, and so many drinks. this is Sendai style!

thank you Kiku-chan for the wonderful time and wonderful snacks. hope to see you again soon!

woke up early this morning in my hotel. ate breakfast by myself and started feeling homesick.

took a walk to Sendai Station. this is where Matsu, Saito-san, and i said our goodbyes. always a sad goodbye.

then i seen this sign on the side of the road. omg, Hawaii!!! this is when i really felt homesick! i love Japan, but i love Hawaii too. why can’t we combine these 2 places so we all can be happier!

did some last minute shopping.

headed to Sendai Airport. getting on a flight to Nagoya, then hopefully back to Hawaii tonight. but for right now, i’m going to eat a cow tongue plate!

lot’s of things happened in this past week. hope to share more stories when i get back to Hawaii. and if i get stuck i Japan for another day or so, i’ll be stuffing my mouth with the most amazing food in the world.
