It’s Economics: It’s WAR!


when ever i travel, a question a lot of people ask me is “how is President Donald Trunp?” i tell them “unlike Obama and Clinton, Trump isn’t sacred to go to war. it’s economics, it’s business, and that’s what Trump is all about. if any county wants to test out American, he won’t back down.” so when i came home yesterday and watched the news as America attacked Syria, i wasn’t surprised at all. and i won’t be surprised if North Korea is bombed tomorrow.

good to see Nao-san enjoying the perfect nature in Wakayama.

you already walked 27 km at 8 hours? omg, keep on walking Nao-san! haha.

and please send me more photos of your journey. it’s my dream to go there someday. but maybe i’ll take my skateboard.

i had a 3 hour wait at Sendai Airport so i sat the whole time watching this lady clean, clean, and clean. she cleaned the whole section of the airport and never missed a spot. it’s amazing how Japanese take their jobs so seriously. it makes me want to do better too.

want to thank Ryoko-san for the amazing fish! i brought it all the way back to Hawaii! can’t wait to eat it!

the We Are One family is growing and growing. Naomi-san has done an excellent job creating new jobs, and making the women of Kitakami stronger than ever. going back there every year and seeing the progress makes me so happy!

the day before i left Hawaii, it was 32C. then i land in Japan and it was 6C. now that i’m back, i can finally wear slippers again!

and yes, the trade winds blowing through my valley will create the most beautiful rainbows!
