Never Forget: Onagawa


i’ve been teaching Asayama-san how to apply surfing to life. when you fall down, just get back up and try again.

and when you fall down again, get back up and try again. haha. yesterday, he fell down twice, and when he got a good wave after this, it was all worth it! that’s how i live my life. i make a mistake, then i get up and ride my amazing endless wave again!

want to thank Tanisaka-san for the Milk and Naple Nuts.

first time i tried this, and it was so good!

on my last trip to Tohoku, i was surprised to see such major improvements. it’s been 6 years and finally things are being rebuilt pretty quickly. this is Onogawa, a little city that got totally wiped out!

now it’s looking like a brand new hip town!

super nice buildings and super good vibration in the air.

this is a cool train station! Onogawa Station back in style.

we stopped by a little cafe and i got a hot tea. on the cup read “NEVER FORGET 2011.3.11. gosh, there’s no way i can forget that day.

Rich Coffee from Rich Port. i love it!

on Mission 5, this is what Onogawa looked like. i remember looking through my lens when i took this photo thinking “i wonder if this place will ever return to normal again?” now, it’s definitely a must go destination in Tohoku! hope you can all make it up there to support the community! Never Forget!
