Aloha and Generosity


yesterday was supposed to be heavy rain in town but we didn’t see any of that.

learning how to properly and safely use a gun was the best thing i’ve ever did. now i can teach others how to be safe, and also share the experience with thrill seekers like Asayama-san.

being an American, i have the right to own guns. and with the crazy world we live in now, it’s not a bad idea. in fact, lots of my friends are doing the same thing. but for Japanese, it’s a taboo and totally illegal to even touch a gun. in fact, it’s even a scary subject to talk about.

but this is America so if you want to try, i can make it happen. i just have to trust you a lot. just like how i trust Asayama-san.

shooting a gun for the first time is pretty thrilling. the loud noise can blow your ear drum out. so wearing protective hearing and eye gear is a must.

we did pretty good considering the target was pretty far! 25 yards or 23 meters to be exact.

the whole time we where shooting, we heard this little girl behind us laughing and laughing. then right before we left, she sent me this photo. haha.

when i pulled up to the range, i told the staff “hey, i’m a full on beginner so i don’t know anything. please yell at me if i do something wrong or unsafe.” he actually ended up giving me tips.

another day, another lunch. huge sesame balls!

another day, another dinner. juicy lamb with garlic/rosemary.

heard about this girl that works at a restaurant in Waikiki? struggling to go to college, and struggling to make a living here in Hawaii. she told her story to a couple that she was serving and the couple did something totally amazing.

they gave her a $400 tip on a $200 bill! omg! then this sweet girl went to track them down at their hotel to say thank you. then the couple ended up giving her $10,000 for her college. what an amazing story and so happy to hear there are such generous people living in this world. i’m so stoked for her!
