In My Dreams


a new cafe opened up down my street so i’ll be spending a lot of time there. a wonderful place to relax and chat with friends.

got up early on this Happy Friday and jumped on Mayuki. it seems like every time i pass by here, there is another new building? when will it end?

i couldn’t believe how clean the water was!

i put on my full suit because we planned to surf and free dive. ended up surfing much longer than i thought, and free diving much longer than i thought. where does Asayama-san get all his energy from?

it’s unbelievable how good Asayama-san got. last time i brought him to my secret spot, he was scared and very timid.

but today, he was confident and excited! i was riding behind him on a few waves watching him go up and down. he’s getting so good on the shortboard!

and it’s been a while since we went free diving together but Asayama-san looked so comfortable and confident.

and he was spearing fish too! omg! is he really 68?

after we got in, Asayama-san couldn’t stop smiling and smiling. he said he was still in a dream! haha. his best day in his surfing and free diving career. more days like this to come! good job Asayama-san!
