Mixed Bag of Fishy!


it’s incredible what confidence can do to a person. now that Asayama-san is taking life in a more confident way, everything else is falling right into place. from now on, no matter what he does, he will do it very well.

i took a shot at my first big fish. i speared it, it pulled my shaft, and broke the line. luckily i got my shaft back.

then i tied it up to the best i could, and got back to business.

i kept on checking up on Asayama-san and he was doing so fine. he was just connecting with nature and enjoying the underwater world. i kind of didn’t want to bother him because i never like to be bothered myself. haha.

and he was spearing fish pretty easily.

i told Asayama-san to get the black fish with the yellow eye. and that’s just what he did. Kole is the best fish when it’s fried right.

and Manini too. can’t wait to cook it up!

we had a very successful day in the ocean. started the day at 7:30am and ended at 4pm. not only was Asayama-san satisfied, i was too. and at the end of the day, i was probably more tired then him. haha.
