One Missions: Top Guns


another perfect day in paradise! Asayama-san and i surfed perfect waves this morning and i was so happy to see him continue to ride the short board perfectly! he’s ripping!

we ended up surfing pretty long so went to the park to enjoy the green nature, birds chirping, and peace and quiet.

i’ve never seen a person this happy for one straight week! haha.

and when people are happy, i’m happy too!

ate lunch and headed to the gun range. went to shoot my new rifle for the first time!

i couldn’t believe Asayama-san shot right in the middle!!! it was pretty far so that’s amazing accuracy!

i bought a scope for my rifle but wanted to shoot it before i mounted it.

then after i shot my target a few times, i thought “i don’t even need a scope???” so stoked!

we ended up shooting 150 rounds and had a great time!

great job Asayama-san! you’re so good at surfing, and so good at shooting. forever young!

had a great time with my friends last night. it’s so crazy how we all met. i met Maki-san 27 years ago when i was sponsored by Local Motion. we’ve been great friends ever since. i met Daisuke-san from We Are One. he called me up, introduced himself, and ended up coming with me to one of our One Missions. been friends ever since. and i met Kosei-san from my blog about 8 years ago. i invited a total stranger to join us on a Go-Naminori Mentawai boat trip, he inquired, i accepted, and our friendship didn’t end there. Kosei-san joined a few One Missions and now we are One. in fact, We Are All ONE!

thank you Kosei-san for the gift!
