Blue Fish is Ulua


it’s been unbelievable how good the waves have been every single day since Asayama-san came to Hawaii. we are on Day 12 and it seems like the waves are getting bigger and better. and so is his surfing!

after learning how to put the rail in the water and turn, Asayama-san is now a rail to rail surfer.

the past few days, i told him “paddle out by yourself and surf by yourself for the first few waves.” he doesn’t need me yelling from the side anymore. haha.

still inspiring people everywhere we go.

i took Asayama-san to the main peak at Bowls. i just went over to talk to some of my friends. then the biggest set of the day came right our way, Asayama-san turned around, paddled hard, and caught the biggest waves of his life! and rode it perfectly!!!

a very happy man! i would be too if i caught the biggest wave of the day!

yesterday had a few Ulua’s or Omilu’s swimming in the lineup. gosh, i wish i had my spear because this is really good sashimi!

i counted 4 of them. so beautiful! and so lucky i wasn’t hunting when they came by. haha.

another beautiful kumu dinner. there’s no better tasting fish than this.

i bet only a few people in the world will know where i took this photo. are you one of those few?
