I Love Chinese!


i just love my Chinese restaurant! cheap and good!

and Asayama-san loves it too!

my favorite chicken rice dish on the island.

happy surfers love happy food! this man’s smile never ends.

had an amazing time with Shigeda-san this morning. he’s 54 years young and wanted to try to surf for the first time. he got up on his first wave and i think he was tripping out! haha. i would be too.

after his first ride, he was so happy to have been able to stand up.

then we kept surfing and surfing.

by the end of the session, Shigeda-san was surfing perfectly. this is super good style surfing!

great job Shigeda-san! high five!

then went to eat some hot pho for lunch. after this, Shigeda-san went golfing. i don’t know how he’s going to swing the club after all that paddling and surfing. haha. but with a strong mind, anything is possible.

went surfing this afternoon again. photos coming tomorrow. have a wonderful evening!
