Mr. Pipeline Cafe


a lot of people ask me how they can support Tohoku. i always say “go there, spend money, enjoy the time, and spread the aloha.” that’s the best way to keep the economy happily going strong. so buying a few drinks at this wonderful bar in Sendai with my closest friends was a win win situation for everybody.

i was craving a late night sweet snack again so i headed down my street. i just love the $2 Macshake special going on right now.

i like to see people working hard at McDonalds. the other night i walked into a clothing store in Ala Moana, 2 of the only girls working there were glued to their iPhones. i was in there for 5 minutes and not one of them looked at me once. i guess they were more interested in their instagram? if i was their boss, i would have fired them.

i burn enough calories each day to deserve a bedtime snack like this.

amazing photo by Maki Yamamoto. in photography, timing is everything.

went to Pipeline Cafe to pick up a few delicious malasadas.

and Mr. Pipeline picked up a tshirt. perfect for him! we had a great afternoon surf yesterday and i was so happy to see Asayama-san so happy again!

i was super tired so i turned on the tv and was going to take a nap. my channel was on NHK and when i heard them talking about Tohoku, i got really interested. this program brought back 6 years of emotions i had all hidden inside. and when it was almost towards the end, i seen some familiar faces. faces that changed my whole life. faces that made me emotional. faces that i love. and faces that can inspire the world. i’m too emotionally drained to talk about it now. i’ll continue on about this story tomorrow…
