heard the news? 437 KG or 963 pounds of beef from a farm in Minami-Soma tested high for radiation contamination. yes, the same Minami-Some where i’ve visited 4 time since march 11th. i ate char siu ramen there twice. now it makes me wonder? i know it’s pork, but to me, livestock is livestock. anyway, the beef was consumed in 11 prefectures comprising of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Hokkaido, Tokushima, Kochi, Shizuoka, Chiba, Osaka, Hyogo and Akita. the government claims that due to a shortage on testing equipment, staff, and budget, they aren’t able to test the food on a regular basis.
spinach, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, tea, milk, plums, and fish have been also found to be contaminated with cesium and iodine as far as 360 KM from the power plant.
ok, i have questions. i’m going to japan next monday for 3 weeks. what am i going to eat? is it safe? have i already consumed radiation? who can answer these questions? no, i’m not scared. i just don’t want to eat radiation. and i don’t want to see the kids eating contaminated food. i’m shocked by this recent news and hope the government can be more responsible about informing the nation on what’s safe and what’s not. i have hundreds of surfer friends surfing in ibaraki, chiba, shonan, and all over japan surfing on a regular basis. and thousands of friends living in japan, including kids. i just wish we all had the answers.
