Dentist Who Charge!


i always have a great time surfing with Fujimoto-san. he is very energetic and a challenger. loves the big surf and isn’t scared of anything. this morning was perfect for him, BIG!

it’s so cool how being so calm and relaxed can make you feel so comfortable in the powerful surf. shaka brother!

Maeda-san was lucky and unlucky this morning. lucky he stood up on his first 2 waves. unlucky when i took him to the outside to ride the mountains.

a great smile after his warm up wave. then after this, we went BIG!

the waves were huge! and Maeda-san didn’t know what the heck was going on because it was his first time surfing. after he went over this huge set, he said “i don’t feel well anymore.” haha. so i pushed him on a set and he surfed it perfectly all the way in.

another true challenger. so stoked to surf with dentists that take it to the next level.

then went back out as Fujimoto-san kept on having fun.

this is my kind of dentist!

then we met the rest of the families and had the most amazing lunch.

omg, our favorite.

i meet the coolest people through surfing. i can’t wait till Kaito-kun and Sakura-chan start surfing. that day will be amazing! thank you guys for the awesome morning!

then we went fishing.

then i went to take a nap on the ocean. i woke up 20 minutes later dripping in my own sweat! it was so hot!

then picked up Kimura-san and had a super fun afternoon session. awesome waves and amazing time!

spent 6 hours again in the ocean and i don’t know when it will ever end. but i’ll take it anytime! tomorrow dawn patrol!
