Parking Lot Penalty!


was so happy to surf dawn patrol this morning! the sunrise was amazing!

and Nanami-san feeling super comfortable all session long!

if you keep calm, you will keep happy!

great surfing Nanami-san! i’m so happy you were so at peace today!

got back in at 8am, then watched the security marking tires to catch people using the parking illegally. i’m so happy they do this because this parking lot is for surfers, not hotel workers.

8:30am returned to the beach with Kimura-san for day 2 boot camp. today i was even stricter and louder. Kimura-san wants to be a better surfer so i’ll do what ever it takes to get him there.

and his last wave was the best wave of his life! he rode the perfect right all the way to the end with a big smile on his face!!! so stoked!

then we had a peaceful lunch.

Nanami-san day 5 boot camp and Kimura-san day 3 boot camp coming tomorrow! stay tuned…
