ever since they started the rail project on Oahu, i was always concerned. will people ride it? can we afford to build it? will they complete it on time? all answers to those questions are “NO.” people won’t ride it, our state already ran out of money to complete it, and it’s way past the deadline.

now that we ran out of money to complete it, they are saying it will cost just as much money to stop it. can you freaking believe that??? i think a lot of people in our government should start looking for another job. taxes is so high in Hawaii as it is and they want to continue to raise it so they can complete a rail system that won’t work? please stop already!

and with all the mistakes, miscalculations, and unprofessionalism, it’s getting sad. my idea in the beginning was to have the Japanese come over and build it. then it would have been done perfectly a long time ago.

besides taxes in Hawaii going up, the median price of a condo is going up too. it’s at an all time record of $415,500! that’s 46,826,848 yen for a little condo! up 6.7% from last year and it will keep on going up!

want to thank Mori-san for the Tako-senbei! and also want to thank you for the kind email. i’m so happy you’re a reborn surfer after 27 years of surfing! keep on the positive vibe and see you again for more coaching. next time hopefully i can take you to Pipeline! then your dream will come true!
