13 Reasons Why


it’s been a while so thought i’d go take Mayuki for a ride. it’s always better to keep the motors running and i had to wash her anyway. gosh, once i left the harbor, i felt so good with the wind blowing in my face. i felt so FREE!

and since i’m out at sea, why not free dive? good for my mind, and good for some food.

driving home and seen this house for sale. i went in to check it out and was totally blown away! i was beautiful!

the back yard was amazing too. just a cool place to relax after a hard days of work.

i would love to sleep in a bed like this. but first, i have to save up $5M. wish me luck!

i heard on the news about this Netflix series called “13 Reasons Why.” it’s a series about teenage suicide and the government is discouraging kids from watching it. they say it makes suicide seem ok. even the school principals around the island are sending emails to parents telling them not to let their kids watch it. before i can make judgment, i had to know the 13 reasons why. so i’ve been watching the 13 episode series. i’m on the 9th one and i’m feeling more and more depressed after each one. it’s so crazy how deep you can get sucked into a drama, and also crazy to think this kind of stuff happens every single day in America. i’ll give you my opinion when i finish the series. hopefully soon because i don’t want to be depressed for another day…
