Nice Golden Ass?


i get up this morning and check my messages. first got one from Kimura-san. he sent this photo and said “you like it?” i replied “haha.”

then i get a text from Nao-san. i had to look at this photo over and over again??? what? what is Matsu doing in this photo? i never introduced them before?? come to find out, Nao-san and Asayama-san were eating at Niwa and Matsu was also there sitting on another table. Matsu recognized Asayama-san from my blog, and Asayama-san recognized Matsu from my blog. isn’t that crazy? well, in my world, the more friends the merrier!

and i’m so jealous! i love sazai!

small world my friends! glad to see your guys beautiful smiles! miss you and will see you again soon!

been so hot that the fire department decided to water the trees at the park today.

i went to pick up Kawasaki-san for an afternoon session. i have him a few tips on the beach and now he’s living in a totally different world! looking better, feeling better, and surfing better!

great job Kawasaki-san! from today, your life will never be the same. welcome to the new world!

and be ready for tomorrow’s morning session. have a good night sleep.

remember that photo from earlier? haha. i have no idea where Kimura-san finds things like this. haha.
