Hawaiian BBQ Moment


like i said before, it’s freaking rare to have all the family together at one time. usually one or two are missing because of traveling. so this was rare!

Isaiah is the BBQ man. ever since he’s been spending so much time on Molokai, i can feel his “Aloha” heart getting bigger and bigger. i’m so proud of him.

and Micah is the biggest, but still a young boy at heart. the coolest kid you will ever meet. just don’t mess with the family and you’ll be fine. haha.

this is Hawaiian local style. something you will never find in Waikiki.

my friend gave me a very expensive bottle of some fine wine a few years ago. i was waiting for a special occasion and this was it.

and also waiting for a special occasion for Don Julio 1942. and this was it.

crab legs were amazing!

crab legs don’t last very long in our family. if you turn the other way, it will be gone.

like is said, gone!

then played some family games. whip cream in the face!

Joshua and Seth will be going to Japan today for the contest in Chiba. i was watching them pack and remembering the good old days when i use to do this. something i don’t miss at all. packing a suitcase and surfboard bag with 8 boards? that’s not so fun. anyway, wish the boys a successful trip to Japan. if you see the boys, please say hello to them. mahalo from Hawaii!
