Joe can surf?


omg, the waves were so good all day long! surfed with Ujibayashi-san this morning and had a great time. the last time he surfed was with me last year so it’s been a very long time. must have felt so good to finally ride on the ocean again.

surprised to see Kelia out. like usual, surfing with grace. i was taking this photo of her on this wave and was thinking “who the heck is that guy in the back??? shit, he’s ruining the photo!!!” come to find out, that guy was Kelia’s husband Joe. haha.

the newlyweds enjoying life in the ocean. so precious moments.

to tell you the truth, i had no idea Joe surfed??? so when i seen him take off, i thought he was going to go straight and fall. then he did the deep bottom turn and attacked the lip!

wow! this guy can surf!!! i was super impressed!

and Joe threw the fins and big spray from the back. i was so stoked to see him ripping!

we were waiting for a wave when i introduced Ujibayashi-san to Kelia. the funny thing is he has no idea who she was. haha.

who cares who anybody is right? so long you’re enjoying the ride like this.

then we had a wonderful lunch with the Ujibayashi-san family. i was telling them about the alcohol laws in Hawaii. no drinking in the car or at the beach. if you do, you will go to jail!

then this afternoon when i went back, i seen a guy getting arrested by the police for drinking alcohol at the beach. so to all you Japanese, even thought it’s legal to drink on the beach in Japan, it’s not here. please be careful because i don’t want to have to pick you up in jail.

then had an amazing surf session in the afternoon with Mio-san. waves going off! more photos coming tomorrow!
