here i am sitting in the one of two cars driving up to sendai. it’s
dark, raining, and we’re trying to find out the best schedule for this
mission. it will start with an event in sendai tomorrow 12-7pm. we
have a booth with lots of presents brought all the way from hawaii. we
are also planning to make malasadas. yeah, malasadas. better than
leonard’s bakery. on this mission, we have 9 members. some repeaters,
some new. as i write this blog, i’m thinking on how appreciative i am
to have these wonderful people on the side of me. all taking time off
from their jobs or families to make this mission happen. each one using
their own money for food and accommodations. these missions wouldn’t be
able to happen without them.
we’re passing through fukushima now and guess what? we forgot our
grieger counters. the radiation will be a mystery for us on this trip
but we all know it’s out there. somebody made a joke to me that i’ll
live for only 10 years more. i laughed and thought to myself, “it’s
ok.” it’s my 4th time up here and i would sacrifice many years of my
life for what i’ve experienced and the wonderful people i met. it’s
really hard to explain the way i feel. thinking about it in hawaii, and
thinking about it when i’m actually here is totally different. you see
everybody living a normal life and it’s easy to blend in and get
anyway, after the event tomorrow, half our team will be heading up to
ishinomaki to visit schools, meet old friends, and meet new ones. i’m
so excited! our van is loaded with lots of goodies and lots of love.
once again, thank you to everybody that opened their heart to these
missions. WE ARE ONE and will always be.
it’s time to shut down my computer because i feel like throwing up. the
highway is still bumpy but much better than the last time. i hope
everything else is better too. stay tuned for some happy photos. we
are going to make as many kids happy as can be. SMILE!