stoked to see the waves in Japan still looking good. this past typhoon is really good, but things will change soon.
waves for another week all over Japan. just please be careful.
Kimura-san’s body looking pretty bad. the good thing of all this is he’s become a very strong man. even thought it’s pretty bad, Kimura-san’s been surfing and surfing. that’s what i like to see!
its’ unbelievable how my brother can take apart a car and put it back together all in one day.
so happy to see Nao-san and Asayama-san and Onosei-san all surfing together in Ibaraki. another happy story on how Go-Naminori can bring people together.
miss Taiwan so went to eat some good food today in Chinatown.
gosh, i could eat this everyday. so cheap and so delicious.
want to congratulate Micah on his little baby girl. another addition to the big happy family. and want to say to my new grand niece, “welcome to this beautiful world baby!”
heard about the Russian motorcycle chick that shows off her rides, body, and now accident on instagram?
yeah, she died what she loved doing so i have to give her that. that’s the way every extreme sports maniac wants to go out. respect!