20 Hard Reef Years…


i’ve been going to Okinawa for 20 years, went back over 20 times, spent months at a time, made lifetime friends, and probably had a Jack and Coke against this famous wall at Hard Reef too so many times i can’t remember. so on my last night, i stopped by for one drink on the way back to my hotel. and like usual, one drink lead to another. then another, then another. i wake up the next morning with a headache and a big smile on my face. it mush have been great! haha.

Japanese are so smart. these are the windshield washers.

it spins at high speed so the water flies off. so smart!

Takahashi-san is living a bubbly life. so many things are going his way and he worked very hard to make that happen. he’s on top if his game right now. a guy i respect a lot.

what makes him even more interesting is the way he interacts with people. i’m just glad i’m not a woman. haha.

i could stay at the fish markets in Okinawa forever.

i check each and every fish. and i look at each and every price. i know what people like so when i’m hunting, i can be very selective.

lobster looks so good!

raw oysters!

this is by far the biggest live lobster i’ve ever seen in my life..

i wonder how much it would cost? something i wouldn’t want to eat because the smaller ones are tastier. and much cheaper too.

anyway, i love Okinawa and that place is in my heart forever!
