Baseball: Once Again


when i was a kid, i played baseball for a few years. i didn’t realize until i watched my first japanese baseball game that things are much different than hawaii. these kids have the upmost respect for their coaches, these kids have the upmost respect for the parents, these kids have the upmost respect for the field, and these kids have the upmost respect for their team mates. for the other M4 members, it was just another normal baseball game because i guess it’s normal in japan. but for me, i wasn’t normal. it was better than normal. i learned a lot from these kids. i wish every single kid, baseball or not, can come here and experience the game in japan. it will teach you what respect is all about!

almost every person on the field or in the stand was affected by the tsunami in one way or another. baseball is healing hearts and souls.

every single strike, every single pitch, and every single hit was exciting!!!

once again. these kids taught me what respect is all about. and once again, thanks to all your contributions, these kids got their new uniforms in time for this game. and once again, ganbatte to all you kids at kitakami junior high school!

wanted to thank Happy Haleiwa for making this baseball parents happy!
