1.5 Million Deaths a year in the Kitchen….


good evening. japan finally cooled down. perfect weather right now. it took me a while to pack my stuff today. i’m ready for a 12 day trip. it’s been a long time and i can’t wait to sip on my margarita under a coconut tree on a white sandy beach[:????????????:]……

look at the forecast for the first day of competition at cloud 9. yes, that’s the philippines right to the left of that typhoon. hip hip horray!!!!

i just read in the newspaper that 1.5 million people die from kitchen smoke. yes, i said 1.5 million…. growing up in america, we take for granted our lovely kitchen stove that we can turn on with a simple turn of a knob. but in other countries like the philippines, indonesia, and vietnam, most families don’t have the luxury of a stove. if they want to cook, they have to gather trees, grass, or bushes and burn it to make a fire before cooking. and the smoke can be lethal. so the next time you turn on your nice stove, think of the people who don’t have that luxury. appeciate what you have because there are a lot of people that aren’t as fortunate. they actually risk their lives cooking for their family…
***and last, just wanted to wish Yoko Furuichi and Happy Birthday!!![:??$B!^(B??????:] check out her blog by CLICKING HERE…..
