we were invited for lunch at a home in oshika hanto on mission 4. as we were eating our sushi rice, a local fishermen came by to drop off a crate of fresh uni. it was the first time back in the ocean since the tsunami. they went to see if the uni were still around and yes they were!!!!

some of the best uni from all around the world comes from oshika hanto. sweet, creamy, and top grade.

they offered us some to eat. no way i could turn fresh uni down. no way!

it’s the first time this year the kids ate uni and you could tell because they didn’t come up for air. just eating one after the other.
**as for all of you who keep asking me about the radiation in japan, i really don’t know. i know it’s in the air, food, and water but i’m not afraid of it anymore. i don’t think anybody is anymore. life is moving on here in japan and i will eat pretty much anything. i’m at the point in my life where i don’t care if my life is shortened. if i go, i go. but just let me say this, “i’m going down a happy man.”
