Typhoon, Surf, M4, Aloha, Sunflower


well, after a long 2 weeks, it’s time to go back to hawaii. my main purpose of this trip was mission 4 and everything worked out great. i think mother nature sent me a gift (typhoon 9) because the timing couldn’t have been better. i had 4 days off and the best 4 days of surf i could have ever imagined. i’m still learning about the ocean, i’m still learning about the people of japan, and i’m still learning about the culture of japan. traveling around the world is cool, but nothing beats traveling around japan. i love this country!

visiting the kids in the schools was a treat. seeing them smile, seeing them trying to speak english, and seeing them doing the “shaka” was awesome. most of these kids lost something in the tsunami and now they are trying to move on. their smiles are a lot brighter than what we saw on mission 1. we are all healing together.

the whole world thinks japan is back to normal. i don’t think so. some places are still the exact same after almost 5 months. please don’t forget!

to the mayor or Minami Soma. Mr. Sakurai-san, thank you for hanging the flag that daisuke and the “aloha from hawaii” people put together. and thank you also for hanging the 1000 cranes maki-chan hand delivered. when i walked into the city hall and seen it at the front entrance, i got chicken skin. the people of hawaii still have you in their hearts.

to the local surfers in japan. i want to thank you for sharing your waves. to travel around japan and be treated with such kindness makes me proud to be a surfer. i really needed to surf in japan this time to heal my mind of all the terrible images of the tsunami. i feel connected once again and hope we can all enjoy the ocean like we once did.

to Mr. Sunflower. when i walked in front of Kitakawa intermediate school and saw you in full bloom, it brought happiness deep inside. it was a sign of hope. japan will recover, japan will be bright again, and japan will always be in my heart.
thank you all again for this wonderful experience!
