This is Travel… This is Life…


diving for oysters seems like years ago. still can’t believe we dove into that cold water.

if it wasn’t for Dove Wetsuits, we wouldn’t have any oysters that day.

and if it wasn’t for local fishermen friends, it would be impossible to have such great experiences. thank you boys!

the first morning we arrived in Taiwan, i saw the pure stoke in this boy. his smile was glowing in the dark.

and watching him pull into deep barrels from behind was so cool to see.

and completing a wave in a foreign country must feel super strange, but super good.

when you go on your first trip and experience things like this, you can’t hide your emotions. it just shines like the golden sunrise.

not only kids have fun. adults know how to live each moment too.

and when the session is done, you can reflect on all the great memories that’s been etched in your life forever…

this is travel… this is life…
