Damage Control


the water wasn’t the cleanest yesterday because of the rain, but it was gorgeous deep under. so peaceful and so tranquilizing. felt like taking a nap under there.

Kenya-san free diving! so cool to see this!

and the girls with the gopro.

i saw this big Munu teasing me. it swam up so close to it that i could have grabbed it with my bare hands.

then the biggest barracuda swam under me. if i had my spear, he’s be sashimi. i couldn’t believe how big it was!

thank you again to the Shirato-san family for the wonderful day in paradise.

Toda-san sent me this beautiful photo of Mt. Fuji. he text me “frozen.” yeah, looks pretty chilly.

still so happy about surfing with Seth the other day. it was just him, me, the ocean, and our memories!

just opened my new iPhone X but didn’t have time to turn it on. speaking of iPhone, Apple deliberately slowed down the older phones on purpose to save the battery. the only problem, they didn’t tell their customers. so of course, it made big damaging news. i can see Apple’s side to solve a problem, but i can see the consumers side of feeling betrayed. i was talking about this to my friend the other day. i told her that if i were Tim Cook, i’d drop the $80 price to change the battery to $30. and guess what? that’s exactly what Apple did today. this is what you call “damage control.” maybe i’ll apply for a job with Apple? haha.
